This page contains numerous "snippets" of family documents or web pages I found interesting.  Many have been edited and abbreviated for display purposes. I don't intend the information contained within my site to be a "professional genealogy" but more a gathering of family information and photos that you can enjoy as I said before and "feel the sense of family pride that I have had".   It also contains various other  references, images and  family trivia I have collected and as I can I will continue to add more items to this page...   wft 2014
PDF Documents and Family Census Records
Enlisting in the Navy proved to be one of the best things I have done in my life.  I went to boot camp on Jan 3rd 1968 in NRTC Great Lakes Illinois. After boot camp I was assigned to the USS Gyatt  DD 712 out of Norfolk Va. There I worked in the engineering division in the machine shop as an FN (fireman) or "snipe" as we were called.  Talk about being lucky, the Gyatt was then transferred to the Naval Shipyards in Wash. D.C. which happened to be about 15 minutes away from where I lived at the time in District Heights Md!  Shortly before the Gyatt was decommissioned in Sept. 1969 I was advanced to Petty Officer 3rd Class as a Lithographers Mate.

I was then transferred to the USS Barney DDG 6 which had no billet for a lithographer (way to go Bupers can you say SNAFU:) where I spent 9 (enjoyable) months in dry dock with no duties but for supervising the Bosun's compartment cleanup routine every morning. Then after lunch every day I was on early liberty! The Personnel Dept. finally got me orders after 9 months to the Uss Tidewater AD 31 a destroyer/submarine tender which had a print shop onboard.  After a great year or so on the Tidewater I was advanced to Petty Officer 2nd Class and shortly thereafter was transferred again.

This transfer was to shore duty and I was assigned to Cinclantflt  working in a very large, state of the art print facility. Regretfully, being young and optimistic,  instead of  "shipping over" (re-enlisting) I was discharged in Dec. 1971,  as my 4 year enlistment was over.  I am proud and grateful to have served my time in the military.
  My Navy Days
Stormy Night At Sea...
by Wayne Trickett
It would be difficult to choose any single exciting event I had during my four years in the Navy but the following true sea story  while I was onboard the USS Gyatt comes very close!
PDF Documents and Family Trivia 
Mom and Dads' Mountain Home
This section is  displaying  photographs of  Edison and Joyce Tricketts' last home in the mountains of Garrett County in western  Maryland.  They had  retired from  District Heights Md., near Washington D.C., to enjoy  the beauty and tranquillity  of life together. These photos are not  high quality. They come from the realty website for the sale of their house after Joyce passed away.  They do however contain some family treasures and  warm memories of our loving parents.
Odds & Ends
These 'odds and ends' are more family images mixed in with some interesting family trivia. On display are  photo edits of family members not shown on my previous pages. They are all part of   'My Family Archive'   and I hope you enjoy them!
Ancestry / DNA of Wayne Trickett 
Ethnicity and Migration Charts
Having  an opportunity to take a DNA test for $59.99 from Ancestry (dot) com, I decided to learn what I could of where I came from!  So I did their 'spit-test' sent it off and got the results in about 5 or 6 weeks.  Some of those results were immediatetly obvious to me. Other results I am still working out.  Overall, the DNA results verify to my satisfaction the facts as I knew them to be.  I did also get a full multi-paged DNA readout, albeit jibberish to me, I do have it should it ever become important.    Enjoy my DNA history!